
Pepper Haus Event: 'So you want to work in fashion?' at London College of Fashion?'

Today I visited the Rootstein Hopkins Space at the London College of Fashion for the Pepper Haus networking and educational event 'So you want to work in fashion?'. 
Siobhan Cooper
Penny Baker
Lauren Ezekiel
Natasha Roat
Barbara Stainer
The event consisted of several speakers including Natasha Roat, (Fashion Buyer for Miss Selfridge) and Lauren Ezekiel (Fashion Coordinator for the 'News of the World's Fabulous magazine). They both spoke openly and honestly about their roles in the fashion industry the good, the bad and the ugly and most useful of all, how they got their positions. 
Natasha Roat Fashion Buyer at Miss Selfridge
Lauren Ezekiel Fashion Coordinator at Fabulous Magazine
After the internship I did in November as Harriet Cotterill's assistant, everything Lauren Ezekiel said made total sense and looking back on that experience, I now know what is expected of me as an intern, while helping me pin down exactly why i want to work at a magazine or as a stylist. 
I love the idea of everyday being different, involving new people and new challenges. To work excessively long hours because its the job you just love to do! 
From getting a "micro pig to wear a set of pearls" to getting "100 6ft balloons into a room" just made me want to add to my own list of unusual demands and peculiar scenario's. I love the idea of having to hunt down the most bizarre props, to make sure photo shoots or catwalks are that little bit more special and memorable.
This event was organised by Pepper Haus a new events company that provides graduates with contact and placement opportunities within the fashion industry. This particular ticketed event cost £25 and to be completely honest, it was worth every penny, a priceless insight into real-life professions. 



... working as a fashion stylists assistant.
The placement/internship involved assisting established London based stylist Harriet Cotterill in the lead up to a photo shoot for a new quarterly magazine VIKTOR, that is to be released sometime during Summer 2011. 
This was the first time i had ever been to London on my own for anything other than retail therapy or to visit the V&A. I had to be quick on my feet and find my own way around ... and i did. 
The days leading up to the shoot were hectic, visiting a handful of PR companies to arrange to loan suitable designer clothes that would complement a S/S 2011 narrative. As a stylist you need to be resourceful, sometimes it will fall on you to supply visuals to aid the overall feel of a magazine spread. One of my tasks was to travel to Essex to collect a riding saddle which was to be included in the shoot the next day.  
Not only getting the opportunity to assist an established stylist but seeing new aesthetics take shape, for a magazine that hadn't even released its debut issue yet was just so exciting. 
My first time interning was a whirlwind & i have a lot to learn, my interest and excitement for the project made me sideline why i was actually there... to ASSIST. 
It was such an insightful experience that i wouldn't change, except for me being slightly more helpful next time.  
I was asked to take video footage of the shoot, that could possibly be used for future website or online media. I am a video editing enthusiast so this doubled my excitement!
Excuse the poor quality.

Holly Fulton,  
Flik Hall, 
& Lara Bohinc.
My tips for a first time intern. 
Be reliable
Be enthusiastic 
Always be ready to take notes
Use your initiative
Don't lose sight of why your there
Establish what your precise responsibilities are; this is key. 
Know what your skills are.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. 
Have manners and encourage others to put trust and faith in you. 
Respect is key.
... and don't doubt yourself!
Related links:
Photographer: Jason Ell
Model: Julia Oleynik